大昌华嘉商业(中国)有限公司 - 医药保健部

外资(欧美) 500-1000人 制药/生物工程 医疗设备/器械


DKSH Business Unit Healthcare is the leading Market Expansion Services provider for healthcare companies seeking to grow their business in Asia. Custom-made offerings comprise registration and market entry studies as well as importation, customs clearance, marketing and sales to physical distribution, invoicing and cash collection. Products available through DKSH Healthcare include ethical pharmaceuticals, consumer health, over-the-counter (OTC), as well as medical devices. With 150 business locations in 14 countries and around 9,200 specialized staff, Business Unit Healthcare serves over 150,000 customers and generated net sales of around CHF 4.544 billion in 2014. 大昌华嘉医药保健部是领先的为药品,非处方药(OTC),保健消费品及医疗器械产品的公司提供市场拓展服务的专家,提供涵盖产品注册、进口、生产、市场推广和销售、物流及售后服务的全面完整的服务项目。医药保健业务单元分布于全球14个国家150个营业网点,拥有9,200位专业员工。2014年 ,医药保健部为超过150, 000位客户提供服务,并取得净销售额45.44亿瑞士法郎的业绩表现。

公司地址:上海市浦东新区东方路710号汤臣金融大厦3楼 (邮编:200122)
*发布本招聘广告企业的营业执照名称:大昌华嘉商业(中国)有限公司 - 医药保健部